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Utah Terrain Base Map

Last update · Aug 2024

Category: Base maps Data Type: Imagery web service Steward: UGRC

The Terrain base map highlights natural land forms and vegetation. It uses land cover polygons in conjunction with a digital elevation model (DEM) to display the different regions, elevation, and physiography of the state. A unique 2 layer hillshade and 50 foot contours highlight landforms and the shadows they cast. Other unique layers include water related land use agricultural areas and 2016 Great Salt Lake level.

A screen shot of the terrain map of an area in the desert with a river and lake.

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These raster tiles are pre-rendered at the common zoom scales , opens in a new tab . with a Web Mercator WGS84 projection (wkid/EPSG 3857).

Update history
  • Aug 2024

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